Wednesday, June 29, 2005

the golfer's mind, by bob rotella

read it, curt!

"You must also find a balance in your life.  I know very few people who manage to keep their lives in an sort of rigid, systematic balance.  I smile when someone tells me he's got his life broken down into blocks:  eight hours sleep, eight hours for work, four hours for family, three hours for golf, and maybe an hour for working out.  Real people are always out of balance in some way.  Maybe one month they're so immersed in work that they don't find enough time for their families, their golf, their fitness.  But they recognize the imbalance and correct it the next month.  Maybe the period of imbalance is much longer---measured in years, rather than weeks, or months.  It's fine for an aspiring professional to devote five, seven, or ten years to improving his golf game and establishing himself on the Tour, almost to the exclusion of all else.  But a some point, the balance must be redressed."  Bob Rotella.

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